SJRWMD - Springs and Seeps

SDE Feature Class

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SDE feature view of Springs and Seeps data in PROD (database). Request from Groundwater Programs Division to create this GIS view of springs and seeps from Station Header on PROD. The District uses this information for general mapping and cartographic purposes, and for small and medium scale hydrologic and assessment applications. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Internal SJRWMD NOTE: Springs and seeps locations are derived from lat/longs stored in the Station Header table within the Oracle database. Individual representatives of a spring's group (for example, the many springs that make up the Silver Springs group) are each represented by a point, rather than a single point per group. Any specific questions about the data in this view should be directed to the person who originally created the station in Station Header, listed with the 'Created By' field when doing a station search in the Station Header web app (http://dasprod/station/).


SDE feature view created from Station Header points (GISLIB.STN_ET_GEOM) and attribute data from PROD. Not used in any web application at this time. SDE view requested from Groundwater group.

SQL to generate STN_ET_SPRINGSEEP SDE view and intermediate views is documented in: X:\IR\Documentation\GIS Data Mgmt\SDE View Documentation\STN_ET_SPRINGSEEP_Sql.txt - as well as in the FGDC Metadata section

A spring is defined as a place where groundwater flows naturally onto the land surface or into a body of surface water. A spring's occurrence depends on the nature and relationships among topography, underlying geologic strata, and aquifer water levels. While some springs are isolated features, many are clustered into spring groups of varying size and areal extent. In addition to providing a unique recreational resource, springs provide important base flow to rivers and streams and critical habitat to plants and animals.

Most springs in SJRWMD occur in discharge areas of the Upper Floridan aquifer where limestone is at or near land surface, or where the sediments overlying Floridan limestones have been breached. The majority of the springs in SJRWMD are located along the major river systems of the St. Johns, Ocklawaha, and Wekiva rivers. This data layer also includes surficial aquifer springs, which are now called seeps, under nomenclature recently agreed upon by the Florida Geological Survey.

Springs are classified by magnitude based on the volume of flow, or discharge of water. The amount of water that flows from a spring depends on several factors, including rainfall, size of the caverns within the rocks, the water pressure in the aquifer, and the size of spring recharge basin. Human activities can also influence the volume of water that discharges from a spring; for example, increased groundwater withdrawals can reduce the hydraulic pressure in an aquifer, causing water levels to decline and spring flows to decrease. Since springs have dynamic flows dependent on climate, hydrogeology, and others factors, a spring classified as being a certain magnitude at one time may not continue to flow at that rate at other times.

Springs are classified by magnitude, which is based on the median value of all discharge measurements for the period of record. First magnitude springs discharge the greatest amount of water. The following is a summary of spring classification magnitude by discharge.

Spring Magnitude Discharge

1 100 cfs or more

2 10 to 100 cfs

3 1 to 10 cfs

4 0.223 cfs (100 gpm) to 1 cfs

5 0.0223 cfs (10 gpm) to 0.223 cfs

6 0.0022 cfs (1 gpm) to 0.0223 cfs

7 0.00028 cfs (1 pint/min) to 0.0022 cfs

8 0.00028 cfs or less


cfs = cubic feet per second

gpm = gallons per minute

pint/min = pints per minute


100 cfs = 64.6 million gallons per day

1 cfs = 646,316.9 gallons per day

1 gallons per minute = 0.0022 cfs

1 pint per minute = 0.00028 cfs

Attribute Descriptions:

OBJECTID- ESRI software unique object id for record.

SHAPE- ESRI software feature geometry type.

STN_ID - A unique feature identifier (numeric) in the SJRWMD's Oracle table, Station Header.

STN_NM- Unique official name (text) of the spring.

LAT_NO- Decimal Degree Location of Latitude.

LONG_NO- Decimal Degree Location of Longitude.

SRCE_OFFCL- Source Official Name of the Aquifer that is the source of the spring.

CNTY_ID- County ID code.

PNT_LOC_DS- Point Location Description. Not unique, not the official name of the spring, this is additional information on the spring/seep entity's location.

STN_CTGRY- Whether it is a Spring or Seep.

HISTORICAL- Historical Spring Magnitude; Pre-2003 median of all measurements.

SPRING_MAG- Magnitude of the spring - it's a value from 1-8, representing median of all discharge measurements for spring.

SPRING_M_1- Spring Magnitude Date; MM/DD/YYYY of last measurement used for the Magnitude median calculation.


The St. Johns River Water Management District, Department of Resource Management, Groundwater Programs Division, asks to be credited in derived products.

Use limitations

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

Content type  Downloadable Data


Title SJRWMD - Springs and Seeps

Presentation formats  digital map

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (UNITED STATES)

Spatial representation type  vector

Processing environment Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

The St. Johns River Water Management District, Department of Resource Management, Groundwater Programs Division, asks to be credited in derived products.
ArcGIS item properties


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
West longitude -86.247732
East longitude -78.856364
North latitude 31.582806
South latitude 23.527955
Extent contains the resource Yes

Spatial Reference 

Reference system identifier
Codespace EPSG
Version 7.4.1

Spatial Data Properties 

Level of topology for this dataset  geometry only

Geometric objects
Object type  point
Object count 200


Available format
Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
Transfer size 0.005

Online source
Location Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT
Access protocol ArcSDE Connection
Description  Downloadable Data

Distribution format
Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
Transfer size 0.019


Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set  utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name  dataset

Last update 2010-11-17

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ESRI-ISO

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 


Citation Information
OriginatorREQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.
Publication DateREQUIRED:  he date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.
Geospatial Data Presentation Formvector digital data
Online LinkageServer=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT

SDE feature view of Spring & Seep stations from Station Header on PROD.
Request from Groundwater group (Jill Stokes) to create this GIS view of current spring/seep stations.
Supplemental Information
Process involves setting up views and materialized views of the three data models on PROD, followed by creating attribute and a final SDE feature view on the SDE database (GISLIB account) pointint to these PROD views and the SDE feature class GISLIB.STN_ET_GEOM.

Any specific questions about the data in this view should be directed to the person who originally created the station in Station Header, listed with the "Created By:" field when doing a station search in the Station Header web app:


Steps used to develop this SDE feature view - see Process Steps section.

Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar DateREQUIRED:  he year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.
Currentness Reference
REQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.
ProgressREQUIRED: The state of the data set.
Maintenance and Update FrequencyREQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate-86.247732
East Bounding Coordinate-78.856364
North Bounding Coordinate31.582806
South Bounding Coordinate23.527955

Access Constraints
REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set.
Use Constraints
REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.
Native Data Set Environment
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

Data Quality 

Process Step
Process Description

/*														*/
/*	Steps to create GIS point data from the Spring & Seep database:						*/
/*	(Note:  this still includes all spring data records from the stn_et table, including "Group" records)	*/
/*														*/

/*	Modified 2/17/2009 to add s.stn_ctgry_cd=3223 (Seep) to the initial view creation			*/

/*  Select the data from the stn_et table (Oracle/Production) from RapidSQL:	*/

Step 1:

create or replace view v_springseep_stn 
  as select
	cast(rownum as number(38)) objectid,
      def.tp_dsc stn_ctgry,
        (select s2.prpty_val from stn_prpty s2 INNER JOIN sjr_abbr_def_et def2 ON (s2.prpty_tp_id = def2.tp_id) 
             where s2.stn_id = s.stn_id and s2.prpty_tp_id=3220) historical_spring_mag,
        (select s3.prpty_val from stn_prpty s3 INNER JOIN sjr_abbr_def_et def2 ON (s3.prpty_tp_id = def2.tp_id) 
             where s3.stn_id = s.stn_id and s3.prpty_tp_id=3221) spring_mag,
        (select s4.prpty_val from stn_prpty s4 INNER JOIN sjr_abbr_def_et def2 ON (s4.prpty_tp_id = def2.tp_id) 
             where s4.stn_id = s.stn_id and s4.prpty_tp_id=3222) spring_mag_date
        stn_et s LEFT OUTER JOIN wtr_srce_et wt ON (s.srce_id = wt.srce_id)
                 INNER JOIN sjr_abbr_def_et def ON (s.stn_ctgry_cd = def.tp_id)
        and s.stn_ctgry_cd in (1513,3223)
           and (s.srce_id in (12637,3713) or s.srce_id in (select w.srce_id from wtr_srce_et w where lower(w.srch_nm) like '%surficial%'))
           and s.stn_stts_cd in (469,470))
     lower(s.stn_nm) like '%double run spring%'

	drop materialized view mv_springseep_stn

create materialized view mv_springseep_stn
	refresh complete
	start with sysdate
	next sysdate + 1
as select
        cast(objectid as number(38)) objectid,

	create index idx_mv_springseep_stn_stnid on mv_springseep_stn(stn_id);

	create index idx_mv_springseep_stn_objid on mv_springseep_stn(objectid);

	grant select on mv_springseep_stn to public;

Step 2:

	On sde dbs in gislib account, create a point feature classes (ST_GEOMETRY) based on the above materialized views.  (GISLIB.V_SPRINGSEEP_STN)

	connect gislib@sde

create or replace view v_mv_springseep_stn as select
        cast(objectid as number(38)) objectid,

--> old view name 

XXXX  sdetable -o create_view -T V_SPRINGS_STN -t "stn_et_geom,v_mv_springs_stn" -c "v_mv_springs_stn.objectid, v_mv_springs_stn.stn_id, v_mv_springs_stn.stn_nm,  v_mv_springs_stn.lat_no, v_mv_springs_stn.long_no,  v_mv_springs_stn.srce_id,  v_mv_springs_stn.stn_stts_cd,  v_mv_springs_stn.srce_offcl_nm,  v_mv_springs_stn.cnty_id,  v_mv_springs_stn.pnt_loc_dsc,  v_mv_springs_stn.div_id,  stn_et_geom.shape" -w "stn_et_geom.stn_id=v_mv_springs_stn.stn_id" -i esri_sde -s earth -u gislib -p *****  XXXX

--> new view name

sdetable -o create_view -T STN_ET_SPRINGSEEP -t "stn_et_geom,v_mv_springseep_stn" -c "v_mv_springseep_stn.objectid, v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_id, v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_nm,  v_mv_springseep_stn.lat_no, v_mv_springseep_stn.long_no,  v_mv_springseep_stn.srce_id,  v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_stts_cd,  v_mv_springseep_stn.srce_offcl_nm,  v_mv_springseep_stn.cnty_id,  v_mv_springseep_stn.pnt_loc_dsc,  v_mv_springseep_stn.div_id,  v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_ctgry_cd, v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_ctgry, v_mv_springseep_stn.historical_spring_mag, v_mv_springseep_stn.spring_mag, v_mv_springseep_stn.spring_mag_date, stn_et_geom.shape" -w "stn_et_geom.stn_id=v_mv_springseep_stn.stn_id" -i esri_sde -s earth -u gislib -p ****

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar Coordinate Encoding Methodcoordinate pair
Coordinate Representation
Abscissa Resolution0.000145
Ordinate Resolution0.000145
Planar Distance Unitsmeters

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameD_North_American_1983_HARN
Ellipsoid NameGeodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio298.257222

Vertical Coordinate System Definition
Altitude System Definition
Altitude Resolution1.000000
Altitude Encoding MethodExplicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

Entities and Attributes 

Distribution Information 

Resource DescriptionDownloadable Data
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Transfer Size0.005

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2010-11-17
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationREQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.
Contact PersonREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.
Contact Address
Address TypeREQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.
CityREQUIRED: The city of the address.
State or ProvinceREQUIRED: The state or province of the address.
Postal CodeREQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.

Contact Voice TelephoneREQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Conventionlocal time