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This feature class represents the area enclosed by the easements.</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Purpose <DIV ID="Purpose" CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:"> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">This data layer will provide spatial location information of conservation easement within the SJRWMD</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Supplementary Information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:"> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">In the past, this layer was a repository of all regulatory conservation easement data within the SJRWMD throughout time. As of 2008, this layer now contains only the active conservation easement polygons and polygons modified by released conservation easements (the remainder, not the released easement). Other historical conservation easements and released easement polygons are contained in a separate Archive layer. An outside contractor provides this layer in its entirety, rather than as only new additional or released easements as in the past. In this respect, this SDE layer - after QA checking and matching to the document management system to link to the appropriate document - is completely replaced by the latest delivery from the outside contractor. This layer is from the September 30, 2010 delivery from the contractor.</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Links to graphics describing the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:; position:relative; top:-15; margin-left:-0.05in"> <UL><LI> (GIF): <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://intraweb/gisdoc/cf/smms0/gifimages/">http://intraweb/gisdoc/cf/smms0/gifimages/</A> </LI> </UL> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Status of the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Complete<BR /><I>Data update frequency: </I> None planned<BR /></DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Time period for which the data is relevant <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV><I>Beginning date and time: </I> 1998 </DIV> <DIV><I>Ending date and time: </I> 2007 </DIV> <DIV> <I>Description: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">publication date: April 2008</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Publication Information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"><SPAN CLASS="lt2"> <I>Who created the data: </I><SPAN STYLE="color:#999999">REQUIRED: The name of an organization or individual that developed the data set.</SPAN> <BR /></SPAN> <DIV><I>Date and time: </I> <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999">REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release.</SPAN> </DIV> <DIV><I>Publisher and place: </I> St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Data storage and access information <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>File name: </I>PDSLIB.REG_EASEMENT_POLY<BR /> <I>Type of data: </I>vector digital data<BR /> <DIV><I>Location of the data: </I></DIV><DIV><LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=pdslib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT</LI></DIV> <I>Data processing environment: </I><SPAN CLASS="lt">Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog</SPAN><BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Constraints on accessing and using the data <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Access constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt">None<BR /></SPAN><DIV> <I>Use constraints: </I> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><PRE ID="original">The St. Johns River Water Management District prepares and uses information for its own purposes and this information may not be suitable for other purposes. This information is provided "as is". Further documentation of this data can be obtained by contacting: St. Johns River Water Management District, Division of Integrated Application Systems, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida, 32178-1429, (386) 329-4500.</PRE></SPAN><BR /> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details about this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> Contents last updated: 20100811 at time 18415000 <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Who completed this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <SPAN STYLE="color:#999999">REQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.</SPAN><BR /> St. Johns River Water Management District<BR /><I>mailing address:</I><BR /><DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.3in"> <DIV CLASS="lt"> <PRE ID="original">Post Office Box 1429</PRE> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> </DIV> <DIV> Palatka, Florida 32178-1429</DIV> <DIV>USA</DIV></DIV> <BR /> (386) 329-4500 (voice)<BR />gis_support@sjrwmd.com<BR /><BR /> <DIV><I>Hours of service:</I> 0800-1700 EST</DIV><BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph1" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Standards used to create this document <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Standard name: </I>FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata<BR /> <I>Standard version: </I>FGDC-STD-001-1998<BR /> <I>Time convention used in this document: </I>local time<BR /> Metadata profiles defining additonal information<LI STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> ESRI Metadata Profile: <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html">http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html </A> </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Spatial" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Horizontal coordinate system</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Projected coordinate system name: </I>NAD_1983_StatePlane_Florida_East_FIPS_0901_Feet</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Geographic coordinate system name: </I>GCS_North_American_1983</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Details <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV CLASS="sr1"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Map Projection Name: </SPAN>Transverse Mercator</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Scale Factor at Central Meridian: </I>0.999941<BR /> <I>Longitude of Central Meridian: </I>-81.000000<BR /> <I>Latitude of Projection Origin: </I>24.333333<BR /> <I>False Easting: </I>656166.666667<BR /> <I>False Northing: </I>0.000000<BR /> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="sr1"><SPAN CLASS="pn">Planar Coordinate Information</SPAN></DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Planar Distance Units: </I>survey feet</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Coordinate Encoding Method: </I>coordinate pair</DIV> <DIV CLASS="srh2">Coordinate Representation</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Abscissa Resolution: </I>0.000500</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr3"><I>Ordinate Resolution: </I>0.000500</DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Geodetic Model</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Horizontal Datum Name: </I>North American Datum of 1983</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Ellipsoid Name: </I>Geodetic Reference System 80</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Semi-major Axis: </I>6378137.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Denominator of Flattening Ratio: </I>298.257222</DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="srh1">Altitude System Definition</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Resolution: </I>1.000000</DIV> <DIV CLASS="sr2"><I>Encoding Method: </I>Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Bounding coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn">Horizontal</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In decimal degrees</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>West: </I> -82.471487</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>East: </I> -80.321161</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>North: </I> 30.762225</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>South: </I> 27.551933</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">In projected or local coordinates</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Left: </I>193923.339623</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Right: </I>869389.529623</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Top: </I>2337141.236411</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.6in"><I>Bottom: </I>1172472.702411</DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Lineage</DIV> <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">FGDC lineage</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 1 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Load Panda's final deliverable (March 2008) to SDE.<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>2008. 04 <BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 2 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Dataset copied.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 3 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Dataset copied.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=gislib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 4 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090413 at time 18424300<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 5 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Dataset copied.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=pdslib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090721 at time 19455500<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 6 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Dataset copied.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=pdslib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090721 at time 19551500<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 7 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090721 at time 20010700<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 8 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090818 at time 20020900<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 9 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090911 at time 10185900<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 10 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090911 at time 10213300<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 11 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Metadata imported.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>C:\PDSLIB.xml<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090911 at time 10225000<BR /> <BR /></DIV> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">Process step 12 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in; display:none"> <I>Process description: </I>Dataset copied.<BR /> <I>Source used: </I>Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; User=pdslib; Version=SDE.DEFAULT<BR /> <I>Process date: </I>20090915 at time 20015000<BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center; color:#6495ED">_________________</DIV><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Spatial data description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="pn" STYLE="margin-left:0.2in">Vector data information</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" CLASS="pn">ESRI description</DIV> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.6in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> PDSLIB.REG_EASEMENT_POLY <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>ESRI feature type: </I>Simple<BR /> <I>Geometry type: </I>Polygon<BR /> <I>Topology: </I>FALSE<BR /> <I>Feature count: </I>8960<BR /> <I>Spatial Index: </I>TRUE<BR /> <I>Linear referencing: </I>FALSE<BR /> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> <DIV CLASS="ph2" STYLE="margin-left:0.4in" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)">SDTS description <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <DIV>Feature class: SDTS feature type, feature count</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"> <LI> PDSLIB.REG_EASEMENT_POLY: G-polygon, 8960 </LI> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> <DIV ID="Attributes" class="pv" STYLE="display:none"><BR /> <DIV CLASS="pn">Details for PDSLIB.REG_EASEMENT_POLY</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Type of object: </I>Feature Class</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in"><I>Number of records: </I>8960</DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> Attributes<DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> OBJECTID <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>OBJECTID<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>OID<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>10<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Internal feature number.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> EASE_TYPE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>EASE_TYPE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>10<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The type of easement interest being granted.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> PAGE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>PAGE NUMBER<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Integer<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>9<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The page in which the deed appears</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> SHAPE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>DEED_ACRES<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Double<BR /> <I>Width: </I>8<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>16<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>4<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Feature geometry.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> DEED_ACRES <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>COUNTY<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>15<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The acreage number that appears within the deed or exhibit</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> COUNTY <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>PERMIT NUMBER<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>60<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The County in which the easement is located.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> PERMIT_ <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>STATUS<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>8<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The permit number referenced within the deed. This may be blank.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> STATUS <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>COMMENTS<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>250<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Whether the easement is active or has been released.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> COMMENTS <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>VENDOR<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>10<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Mapping comments</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> VENDOR <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>EXHIBIT<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>60<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Contractor name for easement mapping project</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> EXHIBIT <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>RECORD BOOK NUMBER<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Integer<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>9<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The actual exhibit reference appearing withi the deed.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ORB <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>SHAPE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Geometry<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The recording book in whic the deed appears</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> Shape <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>GRANTOR<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>250<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Feature geometry.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">ESRI</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> GRANTOR <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>DEED_TYPE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>35<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The grantor on the deed</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> DEED_TYPE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>GRANTEE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>200<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The type of document transfer interest.</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> GRANTEE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>RELEASE_DATE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Date<BR /> <I>Width: </I>36<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">The grantee on the deed</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> RELEASE_DATE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>REL_ORB_PAGE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>12<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> REL_ORB_PAGE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>QUALITY_CODE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>40<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> QUALITY_CODE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>DELIVERY_NUM<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>SmallInteger<BR /> <I>Width: </I>2<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>4<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> DELIVERY_NUM <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ON-LINE LINK<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>250<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> HOTLINK_FILE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>EASEMENT_ID2<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>30<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> EASEMENT_ID2 <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>EASEMENT_ID<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Integer<BR /> <I>Width: </I>4<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>9<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> EASEMENT_ID <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ORIG_HOTLINK_FILE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>250<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ORIG_HOTLINK_FILE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>EDIT_DATE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Date<BR /> <I>Width: </I>36<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> EDIT_DATE <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ACRES<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Double<BR /> <I>Width: </I>8<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>38<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>8<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> ACRES <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>SHAPE.AREA<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Double<BR /> <I>Width: </I>0<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition: </I><PRE ID="original">Polygon (Map) acres</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <SPAN CLASS="lt"><I>Definition Source: </I><PRE ID="original">acres = sde.st_area(shape)/43560</PRE></SPAN> <SCRIPT>fix(original)</SCRIPT> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> SHAPE.AREA <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>SHAPE.LEN<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>Double<BR /> <I>Width: </I>0<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.2in" CLASS="pn"> <DIV STYLE="margin-left:0.25in" CLASS="ph2" onMouseOver="doHilite()" onMouseOut="doHilite()" onClick="hideShowGroup(this)"> SHAPE.LEN <DIV CLASS="pe2" STYLE="display:none"> <I>Alias: </I>ORIG_HOTLINK_FILE<BR /> <I>Data type: </I>String<BR /> <I>Width: </I>250<BR /> <I>Precision: </I>0<BR /> <I>Scale: </I>0<BR /> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </DIV> <BR /> </DIV> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>