*** Data in this layer may change subject to internal review by SJRWMD project area staff. Contact GIS staff for more information. ***
To create the data, the orthorectified images were displayed on a computer screen at varying scales of about 1:12,000 or less.
The contract was initiated Sept. 2000, work began October 2000, and work was completed June 2003. Photointerpretation Key revisions at the beginning and significant scope changes slowed the project down in its early phases.
To determine the stage of review for any area, consult GIS staff in IR.
See below for a discussion of the use of LUCODE vs. LCCODE.
Following is a list of valid LCCODE and LUCODE values. * Codes marked with an asterisk are not used for classification and are listed only for clarification.
1000* URBAN AND BUILT UP 1100 Residential, Low Density - Less than 2 dwelling units per acre 1180 Residential, Rural - Less than or equal to 0.5 dwelling units per acre (one unit on 2 or more acres) 1190 Low density under construction 1200 Residential, Med. Density - Two to five dwelling units per acre 1290 Medium density under construction 1300 Residential, High Density 1390 High density under construction 1400 Commercial and Services 1460 Oil and gas storage: except those areas associated with industrial use or manufacturing 1480 Cemeteries 1490 Commercial and services under construction 1500* Industrial 1510 Food processing 1520 Timber processing 1523 Pulp and paper mills 1530 Mineral processing 1540 Oil and gas processing 1550 Other light industry 1560 Other heavy industrial 1561 Ship building and repair 1562 Prestressed concrete plants 1563 Metal fabrication plants 1590 Industrial under construction 1600 Extractive 1610 Strip mines 1611 Clays 1612 Peat 1613 Heavy metals 1620 Sand and gravel pits 1630 Rock quarries 1632 Limerock or dolomite 1633 Phosphates 1640 Oil and gas fields 1650 Reclaimed lands 1660 Holding ponds 1670 Abandoned mining lands 1700 Institutional 1730 Military 1750 Governmental (to be used for KSC only) 1800 Recreational 1810 Swimming beach 1820 Golf course 1830 Race tracks 1840 Marinas and fish camps 1850 Parks and zoos 1860 Community recreational facilities 1870 Stadiums: Those facilities not associated with High Schools, Colleges, or Universities 1890 Other recreational 1900 Open Land 1920 Inactive land with street pattern but without structures
2000* AGRICULTURE 2100* Cropland and Pastureland 2110 Improved pastures 2120 Unimproved pastures 2130 Woodland pastures 2140 Row crops 2143 Potatoes and cabbage 2150 Field crops 2160 Mixed crops 2200 Tree Crops 2210 Citrus groves 2240 Abandoned tree crops 2300* Feeding Operations 2310 Cattle feeding operations 2320 Poultry feeding operations 2400 Nurseries and Vineyards 2410 Tree nurseries 2420 Sod farms 2430 Ornamentals 2431 Shade ferns 2432 Hammock ferns 2450 Floriculture 2500 Specialty Farms 2510 Horse farms 2520 Dairies 2540 Aquaculture 2600 Other Open Lands - Rural 2610 Fallow cropland
3000* UPLAND NONFORESTED 3100 Herbaceous Upland Nonforested 3200 Shrub and Brushland 3300 Mixed Upland Nonforested
4000* UPLAND FORESTS 4100* Upland Coniferous Forests 4110 Pine flatwoods 4120 Longleaf pine - xeric oak 4130 Sand pine 4200 Upland Hardwood Forest 4210 Xeric oak 4280 Cabbage palm 4300* Upland Mixed Forest 4340 Upland mixed coniferous/hardwood 4370 Australian pine 4400 Tree Plantations 4410 Coniferous pine 4430 Forest regeneration
5000* WATER 5100 Streams and waterways 5200 Lakes 5250 Marshy Lakes 5300 Reservoirs 5400 Bays and estuaries 5430 Enclosed saltwater ponds within a salt marsh 5500 Major springs 5600 Slough waters
6000* WETLANDS 6100* Wetland Hardwood Forests 6110 Bay swamps 6120 Mangrove swamp 6170 Mixed wetland hardwoods 6180 * Cabbage palm wetland 6181 Cabbage palm hammock 6182 Cabbage palm savannah 6200 * Wetland Coniferous Forest 6210 Cypress 6220 Pond pine 6250 Hydric pine flatwoods 6300 Wetland Forested Mixed 6400* Vegetated Non-Forested Wetlands 6410 Freshwater marshes 6420 Saltwater marshes 6430 Wet prairies 6440 Emergent aquatic vegetation 6460 Mixed scrub-shrub wetland 6500 Non-vegetated Wetland
7000* BARREN LAND 7100 Beaches other than swimming beaches 7200 Sand other than beaches 7400 Disturbed land 7410 Rural land in transition without positive indicators of intended activity 7420 Borrow areas 7430 Spoil areas
8000* TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION AND UTILITIES 8100* Transportation 8110 Airports 8120 Railroads 8130 Bus and truck terminals 8140 Roads and highways 8150 Port facilities 8160 Canals and locks 8180 Auto parking facilities - when not directly related to other land uses 8190 Transportation under construction 8200 Communications 8290 Communications under construction 8300* Utilities 8310 Electrical power facilities 8320 Electrical power transmission lines 8330 Water supply plants 8340 Sewage treatment plants 8350 Solid waste disposal 8360 Other treatment ponds 8390 Utilities under construction
*** LUCODE VS. LCCODE *** Each feature is required to have two attributes, one emphasizing land cover (LCCODE) and the second land use (LUCODE). In most cases, these two values are the same. They differ in a minority of cases where separate cover and use values are required in order to adequately describe the mapping unit. The result is a map with dual codes. The LCCODE attribute can be used (mapped, queried, etc.) alone for a land cover emphasis; LUCODE can be used alone for a land use emphasis; or both can be used together.
Any polygon described by the following LUCODE values must be assigned a different LCCODE value: 1180 - Rural residential (2-5 acres per dwelling unit) 1650 - Reclaimed mining lands 1670 - Abandoned mining lands 1900 - Open land (urban) 1920 - Inactive land with street pattern but no structures (urban) 2600 - Other open lands (rural)
Any polygon described by the following LCCODE values must be assigned a different LUCODE value: 8340 - Wastewater treatment 8360 - Other treatment ponds (non-sewage). In this case, the LUCODE must be populated with the associated land use or purpose of the ponds, e.g. dairy (2520) or cattle feeding operation (2310).
Polygons described by the following LUCODEs may at the discretion of the photointerpreter have differing values for LUCODE and LCCODE: 1700 - Institutional 1730 - Military 1750 - Governmental (Kennedy Space Center only) 1800 - Recreational 1850 - Parks and zoos 2240 - Abandoned tree crops 2310 - Cattle feeding operations 2320 - Poultry feeding operations 2500 - Specialty farms 2510 - Horse farms 2520 - Dairies 8350 - Solid waste disposal