St. Johns River Water Management District HydroEdge (Streams, Canals, Artificial Paths)

SDE Feature Class

Thumbnail Not Available

Arc Hydro, River, Stream, Canal, Artificial Path, Connectors


The Water Resources Geodatabase (WRGDB) was created to integrate water-related spatial information on a 1:24,000 scale, in a relational manner that supports hydrologic analysis and modeling efforts. The District uses this information for general mapping and cartographic purposes, and for small and medium scale hydrologic and assessment applications. Although this layer is part of the Water Resources Geodatabase, it can be used independently as a stream / canal dataset. The field NHDFType identifies the feature type, e.g. StreamRiver or CanalDitch.


HydroEdges represent the blue lines (streams) on a traditional topographic map, plus linear features that flow through and connect waterbodies such as lakes, 2D rivers, and wetlands to the stream network. HydroEdge was originally populated using the high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), in particular the NHDFlowline feature class, but has subsequently been extensively updated by SJRWMD staff. * Types of HydroEdges are defined by the field NHDFType: StreamRiver, CanalDitch, ArtificialPath, Connector, Pipeline, and Coastline. ArtificialPath and Connector are features whose purpose is to continue the connectivity of the geometric network through waterbody and river polygons - places where the blue lines on a traditional topographic map disappear. * HydroEdge is part of the SJRWMD Water Resources Geodatabase (WRGDB), which is based on the ArcHydro data model. It is one of the two core layers that define the geometric network in the WRGDB. However, it can also be used independently as a simple 1:24,000 stream dataset, by only drawing StreamRiver and CanalDitch features. * The HydroEdge layer also contains unique IDs for each feature. HydroCode is the SJRWMD HydroEdge ID. NHDComID is the original ID from the NHD, however, as features are edited, the integrity of NHDComID may be compromised, and we do not guarantee that the value is correct. * Date of last update: December 2013.


This data set was compiled from a combination of USGS data sets, internal SJRWMD data sets, and SJRWMD staff knowledge.

Use limitations

The St. Johns River Water Management District prepares and uses information for its own purposes and this information may not be suitable for other purposes. This information is provided "as is". Further documentation of this data can be obtained by contacting: St. Johns River Water Management District, Division of Integrated Application Systems, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida, 32178-1429, (386) 329-4500.

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

Themes or categories of the resource  inlandWaters

Content type  Downloadable Data


Title St. Johns River Water Management District HydroEdge (Streams, Canals, Artificial Paths)

Presentation formats  digital map

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (UNITED STATES)

Spatial representation type  vector

Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcGIS

This data set was compiled from a combination of USGS data sets, internal SJRWMD data sets, and SJRWMD staff knowledge.
ArcGIS item properties


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
West longitude -82.509184
East longitude -80.117203
North latitude 30.977179
South latitude 27.162663
Extent contains the resource Yes

Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
West longitude -82.509184
East longitude -80.117203
North latitude 30.977179
South latitude 27.162663
Extent contains the resource Yes

Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
West longitude -82.509184
East longitude -80.117203
North latitude 30.977179
South latitude 27.162663
Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Constraints 

Limitations of use
The St. Johns River Water Management District prepares and uses information for its own purposes and this information may not be suitable for other purposes. This information is provided "as is". Further documentation of this data can be obtained by contacting: St. Johns River Water Management District, Division of Integrated Application Systems, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida, 32178-1429, (386) 329-4500.

Spatial Reference 

Reference system identifier
Value 3747
Codespace EPSG
Version 7.4.1

Spatial Data Properties 

Level of topology for this dataset  geometry only

Geometric objects
Object type  composite
Object count 105354


Available format
Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
Online source
Location Server=earth; Service=5150:giswrgdb_stage; User=giswrgdb_stage; Version=GISWRGDB_STAGE.DEFAULT
Access protocol ArcSDE Connection
Description  Downloadable Data

Distribution format
Name SDE Feature Class


Details for object GISWRGDB_STAGE.HydroEdge 

Field description
Classification indicating Primary, Secondary or Tertiary drainage.  The main purpose of the field HydroOrder is for modeling: every QuadBasin with a network feature that contributes to the overall network should have at least one reach coded Primary, and the Primary network should connect all QuadBasins, except those that are considered internally drained  (Noncontributing).

Field NAME
Field description
The name of the HydroEdge feature.
Description source
When possible, names from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) are used.  When editing this field, the focus was on Primary HydroEdges (see HydroOrder) and therefore not all featues have names.  This field was renamed whenever "Canal" was at the beginning, and instead placed this at the end of the name.  The "NAME_ORIG" field contains the original field value before the rename.

Field description
Flow direction of the feature, whether it is Uninitialized, Withdigitized, Againstdigitized, or Indeterminate. By default the flow direction is assigned Withdigitized direction, meaning that the HydroEdge flows the same way that it was digitized.

Field description
Internal feature number.
Description source
Description of values Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field description
A permanent public identifier of the feature in the Water Resources Geodatabase; it is used to acquire information about the feature from information systems external to the geodatabase. It is equivalent to HydroID + 1 million.

Field description
A unique feature identifier in the Water Resources Geodatabase

Field description

Field description
Feature geometry.
Description source
Description of values Coordinates defining the features.

Field description
A numeric code that uniquely identifies the feature. This 14-digit code has 2 parts: the first 8 digits are the hydrologic unit code for    the sub basin in which the reach is located; the last 6 digits are a sequentially ordered, arbitrarily assigned number.  This field can be used to develop queries that relate the HydroEdge to national datasets such as STORET.

Field description
A numeric value that encodes the type for the feature. It is a three-digit code. Some examples are artificial path, canal ditch or coastline connector.
List of values
Value 334
Description Connector

Value 336
Description CanalDitch

Value 390
Description LakePond

Value 428
Description Pipeline

Value 436
Description Reservoir

Value 460
Description StreamRiver

Value 466
Description SwampMarsh

Value 493
Description Estuary

Value 558
Description Artificial Path

Value 566
Description Coastline

Field description
The NHD ComID of the HydroEdge.

Field description
Length downstream to ultimate outfall. If the network is built and flow directions are established, this value can be calculated automatically using the Arc Hydro tool, Calculate Length Downstream for Edges.

Field description
Indicates length of the HydroEdge in kilometers.

Field description
Nodes are defined as ends of lines.  The TO_NODE represents the beginning point node of the HydroEdge feature.
Description source
It is assigned using the ArcHydro Tools.

Field description
Nodes are defined as ends of lines.  The TO_NODE represents the endpoint node of the HydroEdge feature.
Description source
It is assigned using the ArcHydro Tools.

Field description
HydroID of the next downstream HydroEdge.
Description source
Calculated from the network using Arc Hydro tools.

Field description
Indicates whether the HydroEdge is traversable.  Enabled=0 means False;  Enables = 1 means True.
Description source
False is used to block routes to prevent looping.

Description source
Contains the original "NAME" field value before a rename to place any occurrence of "Canal" at the end of the NAME field.

Field description
Date the feature was revised, whether spatially or attributes. Automatically populated using an Oracle trigger.
Description source
A trigger is used to update this field automatically with the current system time any time a HydroEdge is modified.  This trigger is setup on 
the "adds" table of the feature class.

create or replace trigger giswrgdb_stage.a8478_t2
before insert on a8478
for each row
  select sysdate into :new.edit_date from dual;

Details for object  GISWRGDB_STAGE.HydroJunctionHasQuadBasin

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview HydroID- A unique feature identifier in the Water Resources Geodatabase. HydroCode - A permanent public identifier of the feature in the Water Resources Geodatabase; it is used to acquire information about the feature from information systems external to the geodatabase. It is equivalent to HydroID + 1 million. NHDGNISName- The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) name of the Hydro Edge. EdgeType (Domain)- Descriptor of feature type such as Flowline or Shoreline. HydroOrder (Domain)- Classification indicating Primary, Secondary or Tertiary drainage. The main purpose of the field HydroOrder is for modeling: every QuadBasin with a network feature that contributes to the overall network should have at least one reach coded Primary, and the Primary network should connect all QuadBasins, except those that are considered internally drained (Noncontributing). - Primary reaches are the longest or most hydrologically significant reach in a QuadBasin. Additional reaches within the same QuadBasin may also be coded Primary if they are needed to connect to an upstream QuadBasin. Note: If a QuadBasin is Noncontributing, it will have no Primary reaches. - Secondary reaches are those that are neither Primary nor Tertiary; they are those with defined flow direction that are not needed to complete networking of all QuadBasins. - Tertiary reaches are those with indeterminate or uninitialized flow. FlowDir (Domain)- Flow direction of the feature, whether it is Uninitialized, Withdigitized, Againstdigitized, or Indeterminate. By default the flow direction is assigned Withdigitized direction, meaning that the HydroEdge flows the same way that it was digitized. NHDReachCode- A numeric code that uniquely identifies the feature. This 14-digit code has 2 parts: the first 8 digits are the hydrologic unit code for the sub basin in which the reach is located; the last 6 digits are a sequentially ordered, arbitrarily assigned number. This field can be used to develop queries that relate the HydroEdge to national datasets such as STORET. NHDComID- The NHD ComID of the HydroEdge. NHDFType (Domain)- A numeric value that encodes the type for the feature. It is a three-digit code. Some examples are artificial path, canal ditch or coastline connector. LengthKM- Indicates length of the HydroEdge in kilometers. LengthDown- Length downstream to ultimate outfall. If the network is built and flow directions are established, this value can be calculated automatically using the Arc Hydro tool, Calculate Length Downstream for Edges. NHDFlag (Domain)- Indicates whether edits have been made that need to be translated to the external NHD dataset. ToNode- HydroID of the upstream HydroJunction at the end point of HydroEdge. It is assigned using the Arc Hydro Tools. FromNode- HydroID of the downstream HydroJunction at the starting point of HydroEdge. It is assigned using the Arc Hydro Tools. Participate (Domain)- This is a Boolean field. Yes means that the HydroEdge is participating in the network. No is used to block routes to prevent looping. Comments- Comments. Edit_Date - Time the feature was edited - this field is being automatically updated by a database trigger (giswrgdb_stage.a5564_t1)

Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set  utf16 - 16 bit UCS Transfer Format

URI of the data described by the metadata

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name  dataset

Last update 2012-05-18

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ESRI-ISO

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 


Citation Information
OriginatorSt. Johns River Water Management District.
Publication Date2014-01-23
St. Johns River Water Management District HydroEdge (Streams, Canals, Artificial Paths)
Geospatial Data Presentation Formvector digital data
Publication Information
Publication PlacePalatka, Florida
PublisherSt. Johns River Water Management District
Online LinkageServer=earth; Service=5150:giswrgdb_stage; User=giswrgdb_stage; Version=GISWRGDB_STAGE.DEFAULT

HydroEdges represent the blue lines (streams) on a traditional topographic map, plus linear features that flow through and connect waterbodies such as lakes, 2D rivers, and wetlands to the stream network. HydroEdge was originally populated using the high resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), in particular the NHDFlowline feature class, but has subsequently been extensively updated by SJRWMD staff. * Types of HydroEdges are defined by the field NHDFType: StreamRiver, CanalDitch, ArtificialPath, Connector, Pipeline, and Coastline. ArtificialPath and Connector are features whose purpose is to continue the connectivity of the geometric network through waterbody and river polygons - places where the blue lines on a traditional topographic map disappear. * HydroEdge is part of the SJRWMD Water Resources Geodatabase (WRGDB), which is based on the ArcHydro data model. It is one of the two core layers that define the geometric network in the WRGDB. However, it can also be used independently as a simple 1:24,000 stream dataset, by only drawing StreamRiver and CanalDitch features. * The HydroEdge layer also contains unique IDs for each feature. HydroCode is the SJRWMD HydroEdge ID. NHDComID is the original ID from the NHD, however, as features are edited, the integrity of NHDComID may be compromised, and we do not guarantee that the value is correct. * Date of last update: December 2013.
The Water Resources Geodatabase (WRGDB) was created to integrate water-related spatial information on a 1:24,000 scale, in a relational manner that supports hydrologic analysis and modeling efforts.

The District uses this information for general mapping and cartographic purposes, and for small and medium scale hydrologic and assessment applications.

Although this layer is part of the Water Resources Geodatabase, it can be used independently as a stream / canal dataset. The field NHDFType identifies the feature type, e.g. StreamRiver or CanalDitch.
Supplemental Information
Additional information on the primary source of the HydroEdge layer (National Hydrography Dataset) can be found at 

See the Positional Accuracy (Horizontal) section for information on positional errors that have not yet been repaired in this data layer.

HydroEdge flow directions were derived by comparing and cross referencing the NHD data to USGS 7.5 minute quads & recent aerial photography. Aerials were both overhead & low altitude oblique . Continuing  residential & commercial development required the use of county data sets. These included street centerline, hydrologic & parcel layers. STR maps were occasionally referenced as needed.
Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Single Date/Time
Calendar DateREQUIRED:  he year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.
Currentness Reference
Publication date
Maintenance and Update FrequencyIrregular

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate-82.509184
East Bounding Coordinate-80.117203
North Bounding Coordinate30.977179
South Bounding Coordinate27.162663

Theme Keyword ThesaurusSJRWMD-GIS Metadata Thesaurus
Theme KeywordArc Hydro
Theme KeywordRiver
Theme KeywordStream
Theme KeywordCanal
Theme KeywordArtificial Path
Theme KeywordConnectors

Place Keyword ThesaurusSJRWMD-GIS Metadata Thesaurus
Place KeywordFlorida
Place KeywordSt. Johns River Water Management District
Place KeywordAlachua County
Place KeywordBaker County
Place KeywordBradford County
Place KeywordBrevard County
Place KeywordClay County
Place KeywordDuval County
Place KeywordFlagler County
Place KeywordIndian River County
Place KeywordLake County
Place KeywordMarion County
Place KeywordNassau County
Place KeywordOkeechobee County
Place KeywordOrange County
Place KeywordOsceola County
Place KeywordPolk County
Place KeywordPutnam County
Place KeywordSeminole County
Place KeywordSt. Johns County
Place KeywordVolusia County

Access Constraints
Use Constraints
The St. Johns River Water Management District prepares and uses information for its own purposes and this information may not be suitable for other purposes.  This information is provided "as is". Further documentation of this data can be obtained by contacting: St. Johns River Water Management District, Division of Integrated Application Systems, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida, 32178-1429, (386) 329-4500.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationSt. Johns River Water Management District
Contact PositionGIS Data Manager, Information Resources Department
Contact Voice Telephone386-329-4145
Contact Electronic Mail

Browse Graphic
Browse Graphic File NameX:\IR\GISProjects\WR_GDB\WorkDir\Doug\Artwork\HydroEdge Data Dictionary Illustration.jpg
Browse Graphic File TypeJPEG

Data Set Credit
This data set was compiled from a combination of USGS data sets, internal SJRWMD data sets, and SJRWMD staff knowledge.
Native Data Set Environment
Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.2 (Build 3790) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog

Data Quality 

Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
This layer has some positional errors: features may be offset by up to 0.5 meter. The source of this offset is an error in the spatial reference of the input NHD datasets. The datasets were identified as using the 1983 HARN horizontal datum. However, they were actually in 1983, not HARN. This error was not discovered until after we loaded the NHDFlowline features into the WRGDB HydroEdge feature class. 

We may or may not address this problem in the future. The error is small relative to the scale of the dataset, and if the HydroEdges are shifted, all related HydroJunctions would also have to be shifted.  
Process Step
Process Description
Populated feature class.
*** Insert NHD source datasets here ***
Process Date2007-08

Process Step
Process Description
Arc Hydro fields populated - HydroID, FromNode, ToNode
Populated HydroCode
Process Date2007-08

Process Step
Process Description
Systematic review of FlowDir:
Visually inspected flow using geometric network tracing; looked for flow continuity, incorrect flow directions, etc. Consulted David Clapp in Engineering, the subject matter expert. Edited FlowDir as necessary, resulting in over 13,000 edits. Edited HydroEdges were flagged using NHDFlag and commented - edits will be sent to FLDEP for NHD editing. 
Process Date2008-04

Process Step
Process Description
Removed duplicate HydroEdges, which ocurred due to duplication in the input NHD Flowlines. Deleted HydroEdges copied to the feature class HydroEdges_Deleted.  
Process Date2008-05

Process Step
Process Description
Removed or edited overlapping HydroEdges. Deleted HydroEdges copied to the feature class HydroEdges_Deleted. 
Process Date2008-05

Process Step
Process Description
Edited NHDGNISNAME for Primary HydroEdges (HYDROORDER = 1).  
Applied the following rules to Artificial Path edges: 

  - Artificial path at the upstream end of a stream or canal reach - DO NOT populate name

  - Artificial path in the middle of stream or canal waterbodies that have names - populate name: 
     Where a stream or canal enters a waterbody, becomes an artificial path, and exits the waterbody with the same name: populate name. If the exiting stream or streams has a different name, leave the artificial path unnamed. For example, the main SJR HydroEdges are all populated with the name, even when they run through major waterbodies like Lake George. 

  - Artificial path at the downstream end of a stream or canal waterbody, where it enters the receiving waterbody - DO NOT populate name

Applied the following rules to Streams and Canals:
  - Populate all names if possible, using the 1:24k quad map as a guide  

Ignored Connector HydroEdges
Process Date2008-08

Process Step
Process Description
Systematic feature update, Feb - Jun 2009: 
Edits were made on Waterbody, QuadBasin, HydroEdge, and HydroJunction at the same time, one Planning Unit at a time, in the Ocklawaha River and Florida Ridge Major Basins.
Reference imagery: 2008 county true color imagery 
Wetland existence and boundaries source: 2004 SJRWMD land cover
Process Date2009-06-30

Process Step
Process Description
Systematic feature update, Jul 2009 - Jan 2010: 
Edits were made on Waterbody, QuadBasin, HydroEdge, and HydroJunction at the same time, one Planning Unit at a time, in the Lower St. Johns River, Lake George, Middle St. Johns River and Upper St. Johns River Major Basins.
Reference imagery: 2008 county true color imagery 
Wetland existence and boundaries source: 2004 SJRWMD land cover
Process Date2010-01-31

Process Step
Process Description
Systematic feature update, Feb - Apr 2010: 
Edits were made on Waterbody, QuadBasin, HydroEdge, and HydroJunction at the same time, one Planning Unit at a time, in the Northern Coastal and Indian River Lagoon Major Basins. Reference imagery: 2008 county true color imagery Wetland existence and boundaries source: 2004 SJRWMD land cover.
Process Date2010-04-30

Process Step
Process Description
Systematic feature update, Apr - May 2010: 
Edits were made on Waterbody, QuadBasin, HydroEdge, and HydroJunction at the same time, one Planning Unit at a time, in the St Mary's and Nassau River Major Basins. Also included were small southern sections of Charlton and Camden Counties Georgia. Reference imagery: 2008 county true color imagery Wetland existence and boundaries source: 2004 SJRWMD land cover.
Process Date2010-05-31

Process Step
Process Description
Delete superfluous HydroEdges in coastal areas: Islands in the IRL and Mosquito Lagoon were "outlined" by HydroEdges that had no reason for being there. These features were deleted after being copied to the deletions feature class. 
Process Date2010-06

Process Step
Process Description
Updated names for canals (farming, mosquito & drainage control canals), primarily in the Indian River Lagoon basin. Information source: Whitney Green, Env. Sciences Division, who compiled and ground-truthed information from multiple sources: 
- maps of master drainage or stormwater management plans for Crane Creek, City of Titusville, City of Oak Hill, City of Palm Bay, Town of Malabar, City of Sebastian, City of Rockledge, Town of Melbourne Beach and the City of Cape Canaveral 
- maps and models developed for the water control districts (Sebastian, Indian River Farms and Melbourne-Tillman) 
- a large number of Environmental Resource Permits issued for developments throughout the north and central IRL.
Process Date2010-07

Process Step
Process Description
Modified all HydroEdges that were "Against Digitized" so that they were "With Digitized" with their digitizing direction (beginning point --> end point) in the direction of flow.  This to standardize as well as to help allow ST_GEOMETRY queries using beginning point/ending point flow queries (e.g. finding where HydroEdges "run into" each other).  edean July 2010
Process Date2010-07-12

Process Step
Process Description
Removed the EDGETYPE field as we have never used it and is potentially confusing with the NHDFTYPE field, which we do use.  We included the EDGETYPE field originally as it is a normal field in the standard ArcHydro schema.

In case we need to add this back in the future, the field type is a short integer which was associated with the EdgeType Domain:

1 - Flowline
2 - Shoreline

July 28, 2010 (edean)
Process Date2010-07-28

Process Step
Process Description
Removed "NHDFLAG" field - were either not using or not using consistently.  Are instead relying on the "EDIT_DATE" field to determine if a HydroEdge feature has been modified.  (edean 8/4/2010)
Process Date2010-08-04

Process Step
Process Description
Extensive restoration efforts within the Upper St. Johns River Basin Project required additional revisions in the following areas: Banjo Groves, Ft. Drum Creek, Jane Green Creek, and Wolf Creek. These include removal of levees and the classification of many canals \ ditches to 'derelict' with the goal of returning natural flow characteristics. Collaborated with project expert: Ken Snyder.  Project specific information can found at :  X:\ES\USJRB\Library\Data\restoration.   Major flow path revisions implemented in part of SJRWMA S-96C and C-54 Retention area as per instruction from David Clapp.
Process Date2010-08

Process Step
Process Description
Revised Waterbody and HydroEdge features along the St. Johns River to split the main river Waterbody from its tributaries. HydroJunctions also had to be edited.  Locations of splits were generally determined by QuadBasin boundaries. The goal was to match Waterbody, HydroEdge, and QuadBasin boundaries.
Process Date2010-10

Process Step
Process Description
Extensive revisions in the Indian River Lagoon basins, based on input from Whit Green. - - - Add more details - - The level of HydroEdge delineation is more detailed than is common in other parts of the geodatabase, larger scale than the 1:24k NHD source. 
Process Date2010-12

Process Step
Process Description
Updated all HydroEdge records with a NAME value beginning with "Canal" to instead place this at the end of the name (e.g. "Canal C-10" became "C-10 Canal").  Created a new field called "NAME_ORIG which contains the original NAME field before the rename.
Process Date2010-12

Process Step
Process Description
Over a period of several months, revisions focused on the coastal basins, primary subject matter expert: Whitney Green, Env. Sciences Division. 
Process Date2011-01

Process Step
Process Description
Inspect and aligned main St.Johns River center flowline \ artificial path to the "St. Johns River Mile Mark". Flow path issues addressed and direction provided by Hydrologist Ed Carter & Environmental Scientist Jane Mace.
Process Date2011-01

Process Step
Process Description
Final naming assignment and categorizing of hydro edge flow direction assignment within the Coastal Basins. Subject expert for the Northern Coastal Basin: Chrystal Yates.  
Process Date2011-03

Process Step
Process Description
Miscellaneous edits (June through August 2011)
Process Date2011-08

Process Step
Process Description
Edits from working with David Clapp;  extensive updates in the Fellsmere WMA
Process Date2012-07

Process Step
Process Description
Edits from working with David Clapp; modifications done from work with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to coordinate shared boundary between districts;  boundary coordination project started in April 2010, finished in March 2013 and included joint field trips;
Process Date2013-03

Process Step
Process Description
Edits from working with David Clapp; modifications in Volusia County from drainage maps and request sent by Volusia County;  also, changes to Greenewater Property on border with South Florida WMD - changes from SF review of permits
Process Date2013-07

Process Step
Process Description
Added 322 Water Quality stations to the Geometric Network (HydroNetwork) using the list of stations as sent by Brahma Pulakam on November 8, 2012;  manually identified HydroEdge to connect to (adding HydroJunction) through ArcMap and also consulting attribute information (description, etc.) via SDMS, Station Header and other websites.  These stations are being "added" as an SDE feature view (using the master feature class GISLIB.STN_ET_GEOM joined to an attribute table - GISLIB.WQ_REG_STNS  which contains the JunctionID of the connecting HydroJunction).  SDE feature view is created with the command:  sdetable -o create_view -T STN_ET_WQ_REG_STNS -t "gislib.stn_et_geom,wq_reg_stns" -c "gislib.stn_et_geom.objectid, wq_reg_stns.junctionid, wq_reg_stns.stn_id, wq_reg_stns.stn_nm, wq_reg_stns.stn_tp_cd, wq_reg_stns.stn_tp_desc, wq_reg_stns.stn_ctgry_cd, wq_reg_stns.stn_ctgry_desc, gislib.stn_et_geom.shape" -w "gislib.stn_et_geom.stn_id=wq_reg_stns.stn_id" -i esri_sde -s earth -u gislib -p ****
Process Date2013-12

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Planar Coordinate Information
Planar Coordinate Encoding Methodcoordinate pair
Coordinate Representation
Abscissa Resolution0.000125
Ordinate Resolution0.000125
Planar Distance Unitsmeters

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameD_North_American_1983_HARN
Ellipsoid NameGeodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio298.257222

Vertical Coordinate System Definition
Altitude System Definition
Altitude Resolution1.000000
Altitude Encoding MethodExplicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

Entities and Attributes 

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type LabelGISWRGDB_STAGE.HydroEdge

Attribute LabelSHAPE.LEN

Attribute LabelHYDROORDER
Attribute Definition
Classification indicating Primary, Secondary or Tertiary drainage. The main purpose of the field HydroOrder is for modeling: every QuadBasin with a network feature that contributes to the overall network should have at least one reach coded Primary, and the Primary network should connect all QuadBasins, except those that are considered internally drained (Noncontributing).

Attribute LabelNAME
Attribute Definition
The name of the HydroEdge feature.
Attribute Definition SourceWhen possible, names from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) are used. When editing this field, the focus was on Primary HydroEdges (see HydroOrder) and therefore not all featues have names. This field was renamed whenever "Canal" was at the beginning, and instead placed this at the end of the name. The "NAME_ORIG" field contains the original field value before the rename.

Attribute LabelFLOWDIR
Attribute Definition
Flow direction of the feature, whether it is Uninitialized, Withdigitized, Againstdigitized, or Indeterminate. By default the flow direction is assigned Withdigitized direction, meaning that the HydroEdge flows the same way that it was digitized.

Attribute LabelOBJECTID
Attribute Definition
Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute LabelHYDROCODE
Attribute Definition
A permanent public identifier of the feature in the Water Resources Geodatabase; it is used to acquire information about the feature from information systems external to the geodatabase. It is equivalent to HydroID + 1 million.

Attribute LabelHYDROID
Attribute Definition
A unique feature identifier in the Water Resources Geodatabase

Attribute LabelCOMMENTS
Attribute Definition

Attribute LabelSHAPE
Attribute Definition
Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition SourceESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain
Coordinates defining the features.

Attribute Definition
A numeric code that uniquely identifies the feature. This 14-digit code has 2 parts: the first 8 digits are the hydrologic unit code for the sub basin in which the reach is located; the last 6 digits are a sequentially ordered, arbitrarily assigned number. This field can be used to develop queries that relate the HydroEdge to national datasets such as STORET.

Attribute LabelNHDFTYPE
Attribute Definition
A numeric value that encodes the type for the feature. It is a three-digit code. Some examples are artificial path, canal ditch or coastline connector.
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value334
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value336
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value390
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value428
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value436
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value460
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value466
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value493
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value558
Enumerated Domain Value Definition
Artificial Path
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value566
Enumerated Domain Value Definition

Attribute LabelNHDCOMID
Attribute Definition
The NHD ComID of the HydroEdge.

Attribute LabelLENGTHDOWN
Attribute Definition
Length downstream to ultimate outfall. If the network is built and flow directions are established, this value can be calculated automatically using the Arc Hydro tool, Calculate Length Downstream for Edges.

Attribute LabelLENGTHKM
Attribute Definition
Indicates length of the HydroEdge in kilometers.

Attribute LabelFROM_NODE
Attribute Definition
Nodes are defined as ends of lines. The TO_NODE represents the beginning point node of the HydroEdge feature.
Attribute Definition SourceIt is assigned using the ArcHydro Tools.

Attribute LabelTO_NODE
Attribute Definition
Nodes are defined as ends of lines. The TO_NODE represents the endpoint node of the HydroEdge feature.
Attribute Definition SourceIt is assigned using the ArcHydro Tools.

Attribute LabelNEXTDOWNID
Attribute Definition
HydroID of the next downstream HydroEdge.
Attribute Definition SourceCalculated from the network using Arc Hydro tools.

Attribute LabelENABLED
Attribute Definition
Indicates whether the HydroEdge is traversable. Enabled=0 means False; Enables = 1 means True.
Attribute Definition SourceFalse is used to block routes to prevent looping.

Attribute LabelNAME_ORIG
Attribute Definition SourceContains the original "NAME" field value before a rename to place any occurrence of "Canal" at the end of the NAME field.

Attribute LabelEDIT_DATE
Attribute Definition
Date the feature was revised, whether spatially or attributes. Automatically populated using an Oracle trigger.
Attribute Definition SourceA trigger is used to update this field automatically with the current system time any time a HydroEdge is modified. This trigger is setup on the "adds" table of the feature class. create or replace trigger giswrgdb_stage.a8478_t2 before insert on a8478 for each row begin select sysdate into :new.edit_date from dual; end; /

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type LabelGISWRGDB_STAGE.HydroJunctionHasQuadBasin

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview
HydroID- A unique feature identifier in the Water Resources Geodatabase.
HydroCode - A permanent public identifier of the feature in the Water Resources Geodatabase; it is used to acquire information about the feature from information systems external to the geodatabase. It is equivalent to HydroID + 1 million.
NHDGNISName- The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) name of the Hydro Edge.
EdgeType (Domain)- Descriptor of feature type such as Flowline or Shoreline.
HydroOrder (Domain)- Classification indicating Primary, Secondary or Tertiary drainage.  The main purpose of the field HydroOrder is for modeling: every QuadBasin with a network feature that contributes to the overall network should have at least one reach coded Primary, and the Primary network should connect all QuadBasins, except those that are considered internally drained  (Noncontributing). 

- Primary reaches are the longest or most hydrologically significant reach in a QuadBasin. Additional reaches within the same QuadBasin may also be coded Primary if they are needed to connect to an upstream QuadBasin. Note: If a QuadBasin is Noncontributing, it will have no Primary reaches. 

- Secondary reaches are those that are neither Primary nor Tertiary; they are those with defined flow direction that are not needed to complete networking of all QuadBasins. 

- Tertiary reaches are those with indeterminate or uninitialized flow.  

FlowDir (Domain)- Flow direction of the feature, whether it is Uninitialized, Withdigitized, Againstdigitized, or Indeterminate. By default the flow direction is assigned Withdigitized direction, meaning that the HydroEdge flows the same way that it was digitized. 
NHDReachCode- A numeric code that uniquely identifies the feature. This 14-digit code has 2 parts: the first 8 digits are the hydrologic unit code for    the sub basin in which the reach is located; the last 6 digits are a sequentially ordered, arbitrarily assigned number.  This field can be used to develop queries that relate the HydroEdge to national datasets such as STORET.
NHDComID-  The NHD ComID of the HydroEdge.
NHDFType (Domain)- A numeric value that encodes the type for the feature. It is a three-digit code. Some examples are artificial path, canal ditch or coastline connector.
LengthKM- Indicates length of the HydroEdge in kilometers. 
LengthDown- Length downstream to ultimate outfall. If the network is built and flow directions are established, this value can be calculated automatically using the Arc Hydro tool, Calculate Length Downstream for Edges. 
NHDFlag (Domain)- Indicates whether edits have been made that need to be translated to the external NHD dataset.
ToNode- HydroID of the upstream HydroJunction at the end point of HydroEdge. It is assigned using the Arc Hydro Tools.  
FromNode- HydroID of the downstream HydroJunction at the starting point of HydroEdge. It is assigned using the Arc Hydro Tools.  
Participate (Domain)- This is a Boolean field. Yes means that the HydroEdge is participating in the network. No is used to block routes to prevent looping.
Comments- Comments.
Edit_Date - Time the feature was edited - this field is being automatically updated by a database trigger (giswrgdb_stage.a5564_t1)

Distribution Information 

Resource DescriptionDownloadable Data
Distribution Liability
The St. Johns River Water Management District prepares and uses information for its own purposes and this information may not be suitable for other purposes.  This information is provided "as is". Further documentation of this data can be obtained by contacting: St. Johns River Water Management District, Division of Integrated Application Systems, Post Office Box 1429, Palatka, Florida, 32178-1429, (386) 329-4500.
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Specification
ESRI personal geodatabase

Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource

Access Instructions
search for GIS Data Download page

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2014-01-23
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationREQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.
Contact PersonREQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.
Contact Address
Address TypeREQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.
CityREQUIRED: The city of the address.
State or ProvinceREQUIRED: The state or province of the address.
Postal CodeREQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.

Contact Voice TelephoneREQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Conventionlocal time