01/23/01 This layer is of sufficient quality for cartographic purposes - the attribute SHADE is correctly coded for differentiating between open water and wetlands.
NOTE: The attribute fields EMSTAT, EMREASON and STATE# are not defined.
The major code 050 and 059 only apply to this dataset. See table below for definition and minor codes.
Major Codes 050 Combined Hydrography - streams, water bodies, and wetlands 059 Coincident features
Minor codes: 0100 Alkali flat 0101 Reservoir 0102 Covered reservoir 0103 Glacier or permanent snowfield 0104 Salt evaporator 0105 Inundation area 0106 Fish hatchery or farm 0107 Industrial water impoundment 0108 Area to be submerged 0109 Sewage disposal pond or filtration beds 0110 Tailings pond or settling basin 0111 Marsh, wetland, swamp, bog 0112 Mangrove area 0113 Rice field 0114 Cranberry bog 0115 Flats (tidal, mud, sand, gravel) 0116 Bays, estuaries, gulfs, oceans, seas 0117 Shoal 0118 Soda evaporator 0119 Duck Pond 0400 Rapids 040l Falls 0402 Gravel pit or quarry filled with water 0403 Gaging station 0404 Pumping station 0405 Water intake 0406 Dam or weir 0407 Canal lock or sluice gate 0408 Spillway 0409 Gate (flood, tidal, head, check) 0410 Rock 0411 Crevasse 0412 Stream 0413 Braided stream 0414 Ditch or canal 0415 Aqueduct 0416 Flume 0417 Penstock 0418 Siphon 0419 Channel in water area 0420 Wash or ephemeral drain 042l Lake or pond 0422 Coral reef 0423 Sand in open water 0424 Spoil area 0425 Fish ladders 0426 Holiday area 060l Underground 0602 Overpassing 0603 Elevated 0604 Tunnel 0605 Right bank 0606 Left bank 0607 Under construction 0608 Salt 0609 Unsurveyed 0610 Intermittent 0611 Abandoned or discontinued 0612 Submerged or sunken 0613 Wooded 0614 Dry 0615 Mineral or hot (sulphur, alkali, etc.) 0616 Navigable, transportation 0617 Underpassing 0618 Earthen construction 0621- Decimal fractions in 0629 feet or meters