The legislature has directed the water management districts to develop a ground water basin resource availability inventory (GWBRAI) and to disseminate the inventory to local governments and regional agencies for use in the comprehensive planning process. (Section 373.0395, F.S., see Appendix A). This statute required (by requiring an inventory of the Water Management Districts to "define" groundwater basins. Initially, the Suwannee River Water Management District (Dave Fisk) delimited the basins for the SJRWMD (circa 1985). Doug Munch, P.G and David Toth, Ph.D.; P.G.; both of SJRWMD, modified these boundaries.
It should be noted that the first approximation of any groundwater basin is the potentiometric surface. Here, the USGS produces potentiometric surface maps at a 1:100,000 scale. Poteniometric surfaces are generalized on a regional scale and attempt to characterize the aquifer system with known inconsistencies in sampling period, variable effects of water withdrawals, climatic influences. Actual well head measurements at any period may not match portrayed levels. Therefore, delineation of the groundwater basin is also generalized on a regional scale.